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Silicon Staffing Virtual Assistant Hiring Process


Silicon Staffing Virtual Assistant Hiring Process



Candidate Resume Screening

We receive over 2500 resumes annually in regards to virtual assistant positions that have opened up the new gig based economy and remote staffing possibilities for industries and companies.


We search for job candidates that have specific skill sets that employers can benefit from such as Excel experts, Quickbooks experts, Photoshop professionals, proven web marketing and social marketing advisors, web coding using html, php, ajax, java, or other web language such as Ruby on Rails, or Pearl.

We search for candidates whom have extraordinary experience in amazing companies and industries which can enlighten small and mid size businesses, offering knowledge and skill sets that are unique or industry specific.

Phone Interview

Our phone interview with every candidate is meant to measure verbal communication and presentation skills and measure the candidates knowledge of their key features through discussion of those topics. We also evaluate personality traits, desires, needs and commitment.


Candidate Profile Creation

Virtual Assistant Job Candidates create a Career Candidate Profile which includes basic personal information but also gives the candidates the opportunity to present themselves beyond a resume, adding links to achievements, testing, training, certifications earned, uploading work examples, and Letters of Recommendations.


Background Screening & Verification

Each Virtual Assistant job candidate is verified and screened, verification including, job history, criminal history check, reference verification, social security and identity verification verifying the legal right to work in the US.


Personality Analysis

The Personality Analysis includes assessments which provide personality traits which are then evaluated and compared to Silicon Staffing's resume and phone interview evaluations to determine the most accurate personality type of the job candidate.


Skills Assessments and Evaluation

Each candidate is evaluated for a series of basic skill sets such as basic computing which includes the basic use of Windows, Word, Excel, and other related areas. Internet Efficiency, Understanding and Navigation is also tested as it will be a major part the success of any virtual assistant.

We also test specific areas which the job candidate has identified as a niche or specialty skill such as Expert Excel, Quickbooks, web coding, photoshop, etc.


Silicon Staffing Orientation & Ethical Liability

The core confidence between employer and virtual assistants is the key component in success. In our Virtual Assistant Orientation we focus on proper communication with the client, efficiency, integrity and ethical responsibility and liability of the virtual assistant.



Virtual Assistants Silicon Staffing